Va invitam pe site-ul nostru in limba engleza pentru a gasi cele mai variate exemple de propozitii in limba engleza:
- Sentences with compound nouns: adjective + noun, one word
- Sentences using “your” and “yours”
- Sentences with pronouns
- Sentences with “I” and “me”
- Sentences with „off” and „of”
- Sentences with “for”
- Sentences with “yet”
- Sentences with “or”
- Sentences with “but”
- Sentences with “and”
- Sentences with “homework” | Sentences about “homework”
- Sentences with “toothpaste” | Sentences about toothpaste
- Sentences with “you”, “your” and “you’re”
- Sentences with “mine”
- Sentences with “my”
- Sentences with “me”
- Sentences with compound nouns: noun + noun, one word
- Sentences with Present Perfect Continuous
- Sentences with “their”, “there” and “they’re”
- Sentences with Present Continuous
- Sentences with Simple Present
- Sentences with “then” and “than”